Outdoor & indoor performance
All publics and ages
Duration: 45 minutes
Performance area: 8 x 8 m
Ground: flat, level and smooth (tarmac, pavement, floor or grass ; no gravel)
Minimum height: 5 m
Set up: 3 h
Take down: 1,5 h
Capacity: < 800 (autonomous in sound)
Two barmen are preparing the festive opening of Chiringuito Paradise. Everything is ready for a successful opening ceremony…
A heart-warming duo trying to save the day in an apocalyptic mix of catastrophic juggling, physical comedy and–of course–fireworks !!!
Welcome to Chiringuito Paradise!
Chiringuito Paradise, directed by Christine Rossignol, draws inspiration from the physical comedy and the surprising clumsiness of the most famous Clowns of the big screen (B. Keaton, C. Chaplin, P. Sellers…), but equally from the simplicity and the depth of a dramaturgy, which calls upon universal characters. This principle has pushed Sitting Duck to develop a comical language that can be close to that of slapstick comedy, but which at the same time meets the requirements of a street show. The company approaches slapstick as a series of unattractive and hilarious micro situations, inserted in a scenario focused on chaos and failure. The exploit also plays an important role in the show. Falls, accidents, juggling and object manipulation add a spectacular touch to the performance.
By and with: Gonzalo Alarcón and Joris Verbeeren
Directed by: Christine Rossignol
Coaching: Stéphane Filloque, Sander de Cuyper and Élise Ouvrier-Buffet
Scenography: Joris Verbeeren, Dajo Peeters and Mathijs Reymer
Production: Veera Kaukoranta, Ab Joy asbl
Copodruction: La Cascade – Pôle National des Arts du Cirque
With the support of: Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon CCBW (Be), Espace Catastrophe -Centre International des Arts du Cirque (Be), Maison des Jonglages (Fr), Centre culturel Wolubilis (Be), Centre culturel d’Engis (Be), Circusplaneet (Be), Circuscentrum (Be), Théâtre La Roseraie (Be), Ville d’Ath / CAR (Be), 30CC het cultuurcentrum van Leuven (Be), Wallonie-Bruxelles International (Be), Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse (Be)
Ab Joy asbl
Rue de Suisse 9
1060 Brussels
Company number:
0886.290.681 RPR Brussel