Circus &

Street Arts

AB JOY is a production and distribution bureau for Circus and theater in the public space.

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Sitting Duck
CREATION 2024 - Accompanied by their faithful road and adventure companion, a broken down 78' Citroën Dyane, three traveling companions will take to you on a distant, "epic" and crazy journey overflowing with adventures and improbable exploits, laughs and Homeric tumbles.
Soif Totale
Prologue is an ode to shows that never begin. How to fail the best performance in the world? Soif Totale gives you the recipe: eleven circus performers dissipated, shooting stars on a Chinese pole, a lost yellow sweater, Brazilian funk, back flips just for fun, an epic catwalk and love, above all, love.
Cie La Butineuse
The Queen arrives in her hive, among her bees (the public) for an emergency union meeting. The bees are on strike, they demand a fair redistribution of royal jelly for the whole beehive ... How will this Queen of questionable nobility fare face the revolt of the plebs?
Sitting Duck
Two barmen are preparing the festive opening of Chiringuito Paradise. Everything is ready for a successful opening ceremony... A heart-warming duo trying to save the day in an apocalyptic mix of catastrophic juggling, physical comedy and–of course–fireworks !!!
Les Lulus (from Soif Totale)
In a world controlled by glasses, a protagonist dares to take them off, revealing the poetry of everyday life. This show blends humor, tenderness, and physical feats, inviting us to see differently and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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